Tuesday, February 4, 2014

How big do Big cats get


Four main big cats lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar. Others are cheetahs cougars and the clouded leopard and a mountain lion. The tigers can grow the largest by weighing 720 lbs and going over 10 ft long. The Amur Siberian tiger is the largest of all big cats. Big cats can be found in all the continents except Australia and Antarctica. Even though they live in different places their bodies are structured in the same way. But the cheetah is the only one that is different. The cheetah's body is unlike the other big cats and the smaller cats.


I thought that the biggest big cat is the lion. I thought this because the lion is to be told to be the most dominant big cat of them all. I remember reading a book in 2nd grade about tigers vs lions. The book said that said that the tiger would try to come at the lion and start clawing at it but the lion would take an opening and strike at the tiger. Then the lion would kill the tiger. So i guess size doesn't matter.


The Challenge for this blog is to comment what is your favorite Big cat is. Mine is favorite is the lion. The information in this blog is found on Wonderopilis. I hope you enjoyed my blog.

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