Saturday, October 12, 2013

Monster of China

The First Emperor of China 

 In 1974 farmers found a sculpted head in their soil. Which lead to the discovery of Qin shi huang's tomb. Qin was only 13 years old when he became Emperor. He became Emperor in 246 B.C. Qin was a ruler with many powers and a lot of money. Qin made the first version of the Great Wall of China, and took over 36 years to build. Qin had money and power but wanted more, he wanted immortality. But when he failed to get immortality, in his tomb was another empire to help him in the after life. The tomb of Qin shi huang had an army of terracotta warriors. The terracotta army included archers, cavalry, chariots, and foot soldiers. But he envisioned that he would need citizens in the after life as well. This included government officials, acrobats, dancers, singers, animals, and a strong man to entertain him.

 My opinion
Qin shi haung was a cruel ruler for how he massacred the army of six states without mercy. 
He put 100 of thousands of people into harsh labor. showed no toleration for dissent. If you did have dissent he would have you killed on the spot, and ask someone else to do the job. People who he ruled over tried to assassinate him seven times but he lived through all of them. When Qin shi haung made his tomb it cost an enormous amount of money, and with all the money he had he didn't share any of it. This shows that Qin was a greedy ruler and he also didn't respect anyone.

Top ten facts

  1. An army of 8,000 clay soldiers to accompany Qin shi haung in his tomb and after life
  2. Terracotta warriors are over 2,200 years old
  3. Discovered by local farmers who were digging for water
  4. Each face is unique with detail
  5. Their height and uniform also varies by rank 
  6. Over 650 horses are part of the army
  7. It is believed that the Empeor's tomb contains simulated rivers
  8. It is believed that soldiers held real weapons 
  9. Over 700,000 workers were employed for construction 
  10. The tomb has not been dug yet
 Would you want to live under Qin shi haung's rule? I would never want to be under his rule because of how unfair it was. Leave your opinion in a comment below. Other articles will be below along with some videos.


Video one 
Video two
Top ten facts video
Article one
Article two
Article three
Article four

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